
My Order

Challengers (15)

The Odyssey St. Albans

Saturday 6 Jul 2024, 19:00  - ends at 21:36

Proof of age may be required for admittance to films rated by the BBFC as 12A, 15 or 18

No Kitchen Logo

Exciting changes are coming to The Odyssey this summer! We are giving our downstairs bar and kitchen a make-over – but don’t you worry, we will be remaining open! Whilst this is happening, there will be no downstairs bar or plated food service and we will be stealing a bit of the top layer of seating downstairs (but not for long – we promise!). But fear not - our upstairs bar will be running as normal!

Please note this screening will be affected by these changes.

Select Section

Upstairs (Allocated Seating) - Already Started

Downstairs (Allocated Seating) - Already Started
